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Evaluation questions process/ method time frame outcome criteria evidence section I:

Structure & Governance:

1    Does the Department’s governance structure support and facilitate the ongoing activities of the Department to accomplish the mission, goals and expected program outcomes?  Is there sufficient input from students and faculty into decisions about Department policy?  (CCNE-I-D)                 The Department of Nursing (DON) meets regularly once a month.  Each standing committee meets regularly once a month.  Additional meetings are convened as needed. Standing committees make recommendations to DON.  Annual DON Goals and Objectives & Strategic Plans are discussed and approved at DON.  The DON and its standing committees provide opportunity for student and faculty input.    Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) at TCNJ reports to DON.  Dean’s Open Hours   Student Advisory Council to Dean  Student representatives on standing committees.    Ongoing      Ongoing   Monthly   Monthly   Two times/ semester  One time/semester  Ongoing    The DON accomplishes the missions, goals/ objectives and expected program outcomes.    Decisions about DON policies are based on faculty and student input.    AY Strategic Goals & Objectives Annual Report  DON Minutes   Bylaws reviewed annually. DON Bylaws  DON minutes. Committee meeting minutes. Dean’s Report to DON SNA Report to DON

2    Are lines of authority and responsibility clear and functional?  (CCNE-I-D)    Review of the administrative structure of the Department and position descriptions of the Chair, Coordinators, Assistant Dean for Student Services and course leaders, by the Dean, Chair and DON.    Every three years    The Chair, Coordinators, Assistant Dean for Student Services, and Course Leaders and faculty are clearly informed on lines of authority and function in accordance with job description and bylaws.    Organizational Chart Job descriptions Nursing Faculty Handbook

3    Is there provision for evaluation of the administration?  (CCNE-II-C)     Provost/VP for Academic Affairs evaluates Dean.  The Dean completes annual goals and self-evaluation.    Annually    Evaluation based on areas of responsibility in Dean’s position description and achievement of goals/objectives.    On file, Academic Affairs     SECTION II:  Faculty:

4    Are there sufficient numbers, diversity and range in faculty expertise to carry out the activities of the Nursing Programs? (CCNE-II-D, CCNE-II-E)    The Dean, Chair, and Faculty Search Committee evaluate diversity and range of faculty expertise prior to initiation of faculty search.  The Office of Human Resources guidelines are followed.  Search Committee conducts search and makes recommendations to Dean as per college search process guidelines.    As faculty vacancies occur.    New faculty enhances the diversity and range of faculty expertise in support of Nursing’s Mission and strategic aspirations.    Search Committee reports and summaries. Faculty CVs. Profile of faculty in self-study.

5    Does faculty attain/maintain the appropriate expertise for their respective teaching assignments?  (CCNE-I-C, CCNE-II-D, CCNE-IV-F)           Activities to attain/maintain expertise are addressed for promotion and reappointment (tenure) and are evaluated by the Promotion and Reappointment Committee and by the Dean.  Tenured faculty members are assessed every five years in accordance with procedures outlined in the College Faculty Handbook and the AFT Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).  Expertise in the area of teaching is incorporated in the self-assessment and in the evaluation prepared by the DON Promotion and Reappointment Committee.  Faculty development funds are available for on-site and conference programs.  Promotions applications evaluated by DON and College Promotion and Reappointment Committees.    Annually for non-tenured faculty.    Every five years for tenured faculty.       Annually   Upon application for promotion.    Faculty members who are reappointed or granted tenure have attained/maintained appropriate expertise.    Faculty has demonstrated appropriate expertise and maintains competency in theoretical and practice areas.       ?   Faculty members who are promoted have appropriate expertise.    Reappointment and tenure application Recommendation for reappointment (tenure) and promotion in personnel file.  Faculty CVs & Faculty Professional Activities Form, & Nursing Faculty Competency Plan and Activity Record Five-year assessment reviews.   Promotion applications and committee evaluations.

6    Are faculty effective educators?  Faculty (CCNE-I-C, CCNE-II-D, CCNE-IV-F)    Adjunct Faculty  (CCNE I-C, CCNE II-D, CCNE IV-F)        Peer evaluations and student evaluations of instruction are submitted as part of promotion and reappointment applications, and five-year reviews.   Faculty course summaries  By students using same evaluation tool as full time faculty. In all courses, informally by course leader  End of program (EOP) evaluation and Educational Benchmarking, Inc. (EBI) exit assessment   Alumni and employer surveys    As above.    End of each semester. End of each semester  Annually by senior class.  1-year & 5-year annually    Faculty members are effective educators.     Peer and student evaluations on file.   Faculty course summaries on file. Student evaluations on file.  Outcomes data (i.e., EBI exit assessment, EOP evaluation, alumni, and employer surveys).       Are faculty effective advisors?  (CCNE-I-C, CCNE-II-D, CCNE-IV-F)     All students are assigned a faculty advisor; lists are posted; advisors are available to students.  The Assistant Dean for Student Services is also available for student concerns.    Each semester    Faculty members are effective advisors    Student Folders Student Clinical Evaluations Outcomes data (i.e., EBI exit assessment, EOP evaluation) Posted Office Hours Posted Advisor List

7    Are faculty members involved in scholarly activities?  (CCNE –I-C, CCNE-IV-F)    Scholarly activities are evaluated as part of promotion and reappointment (tenure) applications and review of the DON Disciplinary Standards for Scholarship.      Scholarly activities are evaluated in the Five-Year Review.   Scholarly activities are reviewed by the DON and College Promotions Committees.    Annually for non-tenured faculty.        Every five years for tenured faculty.   Promotions process is conducted annually for faculty who apply.    Faculty members who are reappointed or tenured are involved in scholarly activities consistent with the AACN position statement and the DON Disciplinary Standards for Scholarship.  Tenured faculty members are involved in scholarly activities.  Faculty members who are recommended for promotion have a documented record of scholarship.    Faculty CVs, Faculty Professional Activities Form, & Nursing Faculty Competency Plan and Activity Record DON Annual Reports. Personnel files.

8    Are faculty members actively engaged in service, as defined by the College in the Promotions and Reappointment document?  (CCNE-I-C, CCNE-IV-F)       Service is reviewed in conjunction with reappointment (tenure), promotion and five-year reviews.   Service is incorporated in the Five-Year Review.   Service is evaluated by the DON and College committees as part of the promotion application review and the range adjustment process.    As per college guidelines. Annually for non-tenured faculty.  Every five years for tenured faculty.  Promotions process is conducted annually for faculty who apply.    Faculty members who are reappointed or tenured are actively engaged in service.   Tenured faculty members are actively engaged in service.  Faculty members who have been recommended for promotion have been actively engaged in service.    Personnel files.  Faculty CVs, Faculty Professional Activities Form, & Nursing Faculty Competency Plan and Activity Record         SECTION III:  Students:

9    Are there a sufficient number of qualified, competitive applicants for the program?    For undergraduate students the Admissions Office, in collaboration with the Dean, Assistant Dean for Student Services, DON Chair, and Clinical Site Coordinator, lead and conduct recruitment activities and provide reports on numbers of applicants.  Reports include comparison with previous years.  This includes incoming freshman and internal & external transfer students.  For graduate students the Graduate Coordinator in collaboration with the Graduate Studies Office, Dean, Assistant Dean for Student Services, and Clinical Site Coordinator leads and conducts recruitment activities and reports on numbers and qualifications of applicants.    Recruitment activities throughout the academic year.         Regular admission cycle each spring.  Transfer students in the fall and spring.    The applicant pool is competitive, qualified, and of sufficient size to meet and exceed the projected class size for nursing and the admission criteria for the College.              Data on applications, admissions, retention, and enrollment.

10    Are the admitted students academically competitive?     Data on admissions, attrition, retention, and graduation obtained from the Office of Institutional Research in the Center of Institutional Effectiveness (CIE). Review of SAT scores, percentiles, and academic scholarship data for entering class presented by Assistant Dean for Student Services.      As requested.    Annually    Admissions criteria correlate with success in the program. Attrition rates are less than 20%.  Retention rates are greater than 80%.    DON minutes.

11    Do the Academic Policies support the mission, goals, and expected outcomes?  (CCNE-I-F)    Review Academic Policies each year at the DON Annual Meeting.  Student handbooks are maintained on the website and reflect current policies.    Annually   Annually    Review and signed by students at freshmen year orientation.  Students report ability to access handbooks and policies.    Annual Meeting minutes. Policies posted on the website. Teaching, learning, resource survey done biannually.

12    Do students build progressive academic and clinical skills? (CCNE-II-G)                                    Review of student progress in specific nursing courses by course faculty.  Course faculty meet with students who are having academic difficulty.  Guidance/assistance is provided to students as needed.  Chair and Assistant Dean for Student Services review all grade reports and contact students who are not meeting program requirements.   Academic difficulties are identified and support/ Interventions are provided to maximize student success.  Faculty members evaluate student clinical skills each semester.  Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Comprehensive Assessment Review Program (since Fall 2004).  Students are provided with feedback on their performance and recommendations for required review. Includes RN Comprehensive for NCLEX prediction.  Data from standardized tests and any related recommendations are reviewed at Annual BSN Curriculum Workshop.  MSN faculty evaluate progress in clinical decision making, critical thinking skills, as demonstrated in student SOAP note papers and case studies in each clinical course.  Students receive feedback assisting them to increase skills.  Faculty and preceptors evaluate student clinical skills in the MSN clinical courses.  Students are provided with guidance in meeting goals.    Ongoing and mid-semester.     At the end of each semester.   Ongoing and at the end of each semester.   Course based time frame and end of program     Annually    Ongoing, mid-semester, and end of semester.    Ongoing, twice each semester        Continuing assessment and advisement enable students to progress and succeed in the program.        Progression of clinical simulation across curriculum – competency testing benchmarks.   Achieve Proficiency of Level 2 or better on proctored ATI assessments – if the score is less than 95% prediction of passing NCLEX than the student is required to remediate.         Students demonstrate progressive critical thinking and clinical decision-making.    Progression in program     Student files, mid-semester progress reports, retention and progression data in DON minutes.  Student files Academic Advisement Progress note Course summaries ATI Summary Data and online individual reports    Annual BSN Curriculum Workshop minutes.      Annual BSN Curriculum Workshop minutes.   Student grades, reports, and clinical evaluations.       Pass rates on certification exams. Certification results.  (Students maintain average GPA of 3.0, B- or better in clinical courses.)

13    Do students achieve program goals and expected outcomes?  (CCNE-IV-C-E)    Review of NCLEX results and Student Outcomes Assessment Plan.  Summarized by BSN Curriculum Chair for presentation to BSN Curriculum Committee, and DON.  NCLEX and outcome data analyses and any related curriculum recommendations are reviewed at annual BSN Curriculum Workshop.  National Certification exam results reviewed by MSN Curriculum Committee and reported to DON.  MSN students complete a culminating experience.    Alumni, employer, and end of program assessments/surveys and exit interviews.  Conducted and compiled by BSN Curriculum Committee Chair and Graduate Coordinator.  Data analyzed by Curriculum Committees and reviewed at Annual Curriculum Workshops.    Annually      Annually    Fall semester, annually.   Prior to graduation.     Annually – BSN 1-year and 5-years post graduation.  Annually – MSN, 1-year and 5-years post graduation.    Outcome measures indicate students have met program objectives.    Outcome measures indicate students have met program objectives.       Students satisfactorily complete a Capstone Project and national certification.   Outcome measures indicate students have met program objectives.       BSN Curriculum Workshop Minutes.    BSN Curriculum Workshop Minutes.   Graduate Curriculum Committee minutes and DON minutes.  Data from certifying bodies as available    BSN & MSN  Curriculum Workshop minutes/reports.

14    What are graduation/completion rates?  (CCNE-IV-B)    The CIE Office of Institutional Research summarizes graduation data.    Annually    Graduation rates will be greater than 80%.    DON Minutes Curriculum Workshop minutes

15    Do graduates meet employer expectations?   Employment Rates  (CCNE-IV-D, CCNE-III-F)   Employer Satisfaction  (CCNE-IV-E)         Employer surveys are sent to alumni and distributed to the Community Advisory Council and at the Clinical Agency Reception.  Feedback and recommendations from clinical agency affiliates who employ graduates are reviewed by Curriculum Committees and at Annual Curriculum Workshops.  Employer surveys. Survey data are reviewed at Annual Curriculum Workshops and reported to DON.  Anecdotal reports from employers.  Surveys to alumni include questions about current and past employment.    Alumni data about employment experiences are reviewed at annual Curriculum Workshops. Survey data are reviewed at annual Curriculum Workshops and reported to DON.    Annually    Annually – BSN 1-year and 5-years post graduation. MSN – 1-year and 5-years post graduation. .   Ongoing. BSN – 1-year and 5-years post graduation. MSN – 1-year and 5-years post graduation.     Survey data indicate employer satisfaction.                Graduates are employed in appropriate positions.    BSN/MSN Curriculum Workshop Minutes.    Curriculum Workshop minutes. DON Minutes.      Curriculum Workshop minutes.

16    Are students/graduates satisfied with the education they receive?  (CCNE-III-H, CCNE-IV-E)    Student evaluations of nursing courses are completed, summarized by the course leader, shared with course faculty, BSN Curriculum Chair, Graduate Coordinator and entire faculty at Annual Curriculum Workshops.  Course faculty members who are updating/revising courses review student evaluations and recommendations.  EBI exit assessment and EOP evaluation (BSN)    End of Program evaluations (MSN)   MSN end of program evaluation/satisfaction completed at end of coursework.   Surveys of graduates/alumni conducted by   Coordinator and Assistant Dean for Student Services.     Each semester and annually reported.       End of last semester senior year   End of MSN program.  Semester prior to program completion.   Annually—BSN 1 and 5 years. Annually—MSN 1 and 5 years.    Students express satisfaction with courses and program.         Minutes from Annual Curriculum Workshops. Course summaries       Annual Curriculum Committee meeting minutes.   MSN Curriculum Committee minutes. DON minutes.     Curriculum Committee minutes and minutes from Annual Curriculum Workshops.                          SECTION IV:  Curriculum:

17    Is the curriculum current and based on professional standards and guidelines and the needs of its community of interest?  (CCNE-III-B-F)    The Curriculum Committees review graduate survey responses, alumni and employer feedback, as well as professional literature and professional standards and guidelines in considering curriculum revisions/updates.  Committees make recommendations to DON at annual curriculum workshops.  Annual meeting of Community Advisory Council.    Ongoing.        Annual/Spring    Curriculum is current, meets professional standards and guidelines and is responsive to the needs of society and the community of interest.    Curriculum committees and minutes from Curriculum workshops.  DON minutes.         Course faculty update course reading lists and content based upon professional standards and guidelines, evidence-based practice, and current literature.  Survey at Clinical Affiliates Reception.    Ongoing.    Biannually    Individual nursing courses reflect current nursing knowledge and practice.    Course syllabi and course summaries.   DON minutes.

18    Is the curriculum consistent with the mission, goals and expected program outcomes? (CCNE-I-A+B)    Curriculum Committees review for consistency with recommendations for change presented at annual BSN and MSN curriculum workshops.    Every five years, or as needed.      Curriculum is consistent with mission of Nursing and the College.    Curriculum committee and workshop minutes.             Curriculum Committees review Mission/Philosophy and recommendations for change are presented at annual Curriculum Workshops  Curriculum Committees review and recommendations for change are presented at annual Curriculum Workshops  Curriculum Committees review and recommendations for change are presented at annual Curriculum Workshops    Every five years, or as needed.   Every five years, or as needed.   Every five years, or as needed.    The Mission/Philosophy is internally consistent & represents the beliefs of the faculty  The End of Program Objectives/ Outcomes are clear, current & consistent with the Mission/Philosophy.  The organizing framework is congruent with the Mission/Philosophy and End of Program Objectives/Outcomes and provides direction.    Minutes from Annual Curriculum Workshops DON minutes. Revised May’02, reviewed May ’07, reviewed Oct ’13, May ’13, revised May ‘14  Revised May’02, reviewed May ’07, reviewed Oct ’13, May ’13, revised May ‘14         Course faculty teaching level courses review the relationship of the course to level objectives & ensure that the course appropriately reflects the major concepts & sub-concepts of the organizing framework.    Course faculty present recommendations to Curriculum Committees & summarize recommendations at Annual Curriculum Workshop. Curriculum Committees review courses & course faculty recommendations.  Faculty approves minor changes and present recommendations for major changes in courses or changes in level objectives at Annual Curriculum Workshops.    End of the semester in which course is taught.    Annually      Annually    Level objectives are consistent with the Mission/Philosophy, End of Program Objectives/Outcomes and the Organizing Framework and are implemented in level courses. Courses are internally consistent and enable student achievement of course and level objectives/outcomes.      Course summaries. Course syllabi DON Meetings, Curriculum Committees & Workshop minutes.         Curriculum Committees and Workshop Minutes

19    Is the curriculum logically structured to achieve expected student outcomes?  (CCNE-III-C)                  The Curriculum Committees review graduate survey responses, alumni and employer feedback, as well as professional literature and professional standards and guidelines in considering curriculum revisions/updates.  Committees make recommendations at Annual Curriculum Workshops and to the DON.      The Graduate Curriculum Committee reviews MSN alumni and employer surveys.     Annually            Annually    The BSN & MSN curricula enable student achievement of End of Program Objectives/Outcomes and prepare graduates for beginning practice as professional nurses and for advanced study, or for advanced practice and doctoral study.    BSN nursing courses use and build upon course content from non-nursing support courses and Liberal Learning.  The MSN curriculum builds on the BSN curriculum and is internally consistent.   MSN curriculum prepares students for advanced nursing practice roles.     Curriculum Workshop minutes.  Minutes from Curriculum Committees.        National Certification rate   Alumni & employer surveys

20    Is the content in non-nursing support courses and Liberal Learning used and built upon in nursing courses? (CCNE-III-C)    The BSN Curriculum Committee reviews non-nursing support courses and Liberal Learning.    Every five years, or as needed.    Support courses provide an effective foundation for nursing courses.    Curriculum Committee and Workshop minutes. May ’06, May ’09, May ‘14

21    Do the teaching-learning practices and environments support the achievement of expected student-outcomes?   (CCNE-II-D, III-D)     Course faculty reviews and evaluates based upon self-evaluation & student input.   MSN Curriculum Committee reviews courses.  Evaluation by faculty who use the specific agency with input from agency staff during planning & end of semester discussions. Evaluations of clinical facilities as part of course summaries.  End of Program evaluation (BSN).  Student evaluations of clinical agencies conducted by the Clinical Site Coordinator using the Clinical Agency Survey tool.   MSN students and MSN faculty evaluate preceptors and agencies.    Ongoing and at the end of courses.   Annually  Ongoing, annually, and at the end of each semester.   Annually  Biannually.    Each semester.    Teaching-learning & evaluation methods are appropriate and effective.     Learning experiences in clinical agencies enable students to achieve course objectives.         Students will have clinical experiences with qualified preceptors that enable them to meet clinical learning objectives.    Course summaries and evaluation. Course syllabi. Curriculum Committees & Workshop minutes.       Annual Curriculum Workshop. Summary of EOP evaluation.    Report of Clinical Agency Survey presented biannually at Curriculum Workshop.

22    Is the assessment of Student Outcomes appropriate and effective?  (CCNE-IV-E)            The BSN Student Outcomes Assessment Plan evaluating critical thinking, communication, autonomy, caring, leadership and therapeutic nursing interventions is reviewed.  Specialized assessment tools are administered in Freshman and Sophomore year and/or at the end of the program:  ATI Critical Thinking Entrance Assessment (began Fall 2004) in NUR 220 – Wellness and Critical Thinking Exit Assessment in NUR 460 – Capstone (CCTDI:  in NUR 110 2nd semester Freshman and in NUR 460 – Capstone. (End Class of 2007).  Caring: Empathy Construct Rating Scale (ECRS): in NUR -110 and in NUR 460. (End Class of 2017). Caring Dimensions Inventory (CDI): in NUR -110 and in NUR 460. (Begin Class of 2018).  Autonomy: Boughn Autonomy Scale (BAS): in NUR 210 Role I –and in NUR 460 – Capstone. (CCTST:  in NUR 220-Wellness 1st semester Sophomore and in NUR 460 – Capstone at end of Senior year. (End Class of 2007).  Implemented ATI Testing Fall 2004 for all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors     EBI exit assessment in NUR 460 – Capstone.    End of Program evaluation in NUR 460 – Capstone.   (Mosby Assess Test in NUR 424 (End Sp ’04). NLN Diagnostic Readiness in NUR 440  (End Sp ’04).  (Schwirian 6D Scale in NUR460. (End Sp’04))  MSN Student Outcomes Assessment Plan and assignments are reviewed by Curriculum Committee    Ongoing     Aggregate data are reviewed annually.   Sophomore and Senior Years     Freshman and Senior Years    1st semester Sophomore and Senior Years    Course based      Last semester of Senior Year  Last semester of Senior Year       Annually and as needed.    Outcomes reflect effectiveness of curriculum and are used to change and improve the curriculum.  See outcomes plans for specific criteria.      Value added (an increase in mean score – t-test to measure significance)     Value added (an increase in mean score – t-test to measure significance)    Value added (an increase in mean score – t-test to measure significance)     Achieve Proficiency of Level 2 or better on proctored ATI assessments – if proficiency level is not attained students must remediate until they receive an individual score of 90% or greater.  Mean score of “attained” (3 or more on scale of 1 to 5)  Mean score of “neutral”, “moderately”, or “good” (4 or more on scale of 1 to 5)       Assignments in MSN courses are appropriate for evaluation of student achievement and progression.    Annual Curriculum Workshops and Curriculum Committee minutes.  Annual Curriculum Workshops and Curriculum Committee minutes.       Annual Curriculum Workshop and Curriculum Committee Minutes.                          Course summaries  Curriculum Committee minutes and Workshop minutes.

23    Does the assessment of program outcomes demonstrate program effectives?  (CCNE-IV-A-H)       BSN graduation rates, NCLEX pass rates, employment rates, and program satisfaction are reviewed at Curriculum Workshop. BSN Assessment plan of student outcomes is reviewed regularly since Fall 1992  MSN outcome evaluation plan reviewed by MSN Curriculum Committee.    Annually      Annually and as needed.    Outcome assessments are appropriate and provide evidence of program effectiveness and are used to change and improve the curriculum.  .    Curriculum Committee and Workshop minutes. Revised May 07, Reviewed May 2011 Revised Jan 2014  Reviewed May 07  MSN Curriculum Workshop and committee minutes.     SECTION V:  Resources

24    Are the fiscal resources sufficient to enable the program to fulfill its mission, goals and expected outcomes? (CCNE-II-A)    Review of current budget & development of the next year’s budget by Dean with input from standing committees, coordinators, and Chair.       Annually    Fiscal resources are sufficient to support the program    DON Budget.

25    Are the physical facilities instructional materials & equipment sufficient to enable the program to fulfill its mission, goals and expected outcomes?  a) Clinical Learning Laboratory  (CCNE-II-A)      The Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator establishes annual goals and priorities with input from faculty.   Statistics on student use of the labs compiled and reviewed by the Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator.      Inventory of laboratory supplies & equipment by the Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator.    The clinical learning labs are evaluated by students and faculty with a specialized survey. The Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator reviews & makes recommendations for new equipment/materials.         Monthly & annually       Annually. Summer.    Annually         The clinical learning lab meets the learning needs of students (Lab utilization, Student satisfaction, Course summaries, Proficiency data Clinical performance evaluations)  Evaluations show student and faculty satisfaction          Reports from Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator (CLRC) to DON.         b) Computer Laboratory  (CCNE-II-B)    Student & faculty evaluations of Computer/Software resources & facilities.  Feedback to IT Support Specialist for purchases.   Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator reviews new products and faculty requests and makes recommendations for new software or equipment.    Ongoing and biannually.  In spring for students halfway through the program.  Ongoing and annually.    Computer lab meets the learning needs of students.     Students & faculty are satisfied with resources and facilities provided.       Teaching Learning Resources Survey reviewed at Annual BSN Curriculum Workshop. EBI exit assessment.     c) Media Equipment  (CCNE-II-B)       d) Faculty resources/equipment  (CCNE-II-B)    Inventory of equipment & software by Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator (CLRC).  Student & faculty evaluate media as part of student evaluations and course summaries.  Faculty reviews and makes recommendations for new software or equipment.  Faculty members and Chair meet with IT Support Specialist to determine faculty needs and cycle of replacement of IT equipment.    Annually   Ongoing and biannually.   Ongoing.   Ongoing.    Media equipment is sufficient to meet teaching-learning needs.        Faculty offices have equipment sufficient to meet needs for classroom prep and research/scholarship.    Annual Report of Clinical Learning Resources Coordinator       Annual report

26    Are the library facilities comprehensive and current?  (CCNE-II-B)     Library Advisor for Nursing reviews the nursing library collection and compare with standard listings.  Students evaluate library & media.  BSN End of Program Evaluation    Ongoing, annually, and biannually.     Library holdings and online resources meet the needs of students & faculty.    Teaching Learning Resources Survey Curriculum Committee Workshop minutes. End of Program Evaluation

27    Are support services adequate? a.    Secretarial Services/Support Staff  (CCNE-II-A+B)    Evaluation of whether secretarial services are sufficient to meet program needs by Chair & Dean with input from faculty.   Performance evaluation (PARS) of secretaries by Chair & Dean with input from faculty.   Evaluation of sufficiency in staffing by faculty, Chair, and Dean.   Performance evaluation of professional staff by Dean with input from Chair and faculty.      Ongoing & annually     PARS conducted as per contract.       Annually, as per contract.     Secretarial services are sufficient & effective in meeting the needs of Nursing and consistent with College level support.       Support services in Clinical Learning Facilities are sufficient to meet student & faculty needs DON minutes    1 full time academic programs secretary. 1 full time receptionist (10 month) 1 full time Dean’s secretary.    Personnel files.    Personnel files.  28    Is the Systematic Evaluation Plan (SEP) effective?   (CCNE-IV-A)  Is it consistently and systematically implemented?  (CCNE-)    Faculty and administration review plan.     Chair and Dean ensure that the Systematic Evaluation Plan is implemented as developed.    Every five years at Annual Meeting    Ongoing. Formally reviewed every 5 years.    DON minutes.     Plan is consistently implemented, outcomes documented, and analysis and actions provided.    DON Minutes May ‘07, May ‘08, May ‘14    The plan provides for data collection, analysis, and decisions that support continuous quality improvement.

TCNJ's Department of Nursing is not accepting transfers into our four year traditional bachelor’s of science in nursing program at this time. We are accepting applications for the ABSN program for May 2025.Learn More