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Nursing Student Clinical Folder

Note: Health requirements for Nursing students are subject to change as new recommendations or federal/state regulations emerge. Individual affiliate agencies may have additional requirements. Course leaders will keep students informed of any new requirements.

Each Nursing student is required to submit necessary information for the Nursing Student Clinical Folder, including these health requirements: CPR certification, medical insurance card, immunization record, medical history and annual physical exam, including PPD.  The Nursing Clinical Folder also includes documentation of criminal background check and professional liability insurance.

Nursing health requirements conform to College, Affiliate Agency, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, New Jersey Board of Nursing regulations, and current recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for health care workers.

Refer to Academic Policies and Requirements for specific health requirement information and details regarding the Nursing Student Clinical Folder.

TCNJ's Department of Nursing is not accepting transfers into our four year traditional bachelor’s of science in nursing program at this time. The RN to BSN program is accepting applications at this time, visit to learn more. The ABSN program is accepting applications at this time.Learn More