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  • Purpose – The student complaint procedure establishes a process by which student complaints are processed and resolved, except in cases involving alleged discrimination. Complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, marital status, life style (including but not limited to sexual preferences), age, handicap or liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States shall be processed according to the Affirmative Action Complaint Procedure for Students.
  • Committee for Student Complaints – An Ad Hoc Student Complaint Committee, which will include both faculty and students, all with vote, is established and convened as necessary, and in accordance with the procedure described in Section 3 of this policy. The committee is structured as follows:
    • Faculty Representatives
      • At least four faculty members, including at least one from each level in the undergraduate division and at least one from the graduate division shall be elected to a panel from which three are to be drawn by chance for each appeal heard.
      • For each appeal, one faculty member from the course involved shall also sit on the committee.
      • A faculty member involved in the appeal shall not sit on the committee hearing that appeal.
    • Student Composition
      • The SNA Executive Board shall choose an equal number of students for a panel,(at least one from each level in the undergraduate division and at least one from the graduate division). From this panel, three are to be drawn by chance for each appeal.
      • For each appeal, one student from the course involved shall also sit on the committee.
      • A student involved in the appeal shall not sit on the committee hearing the appeal.
    • If there is unequal distribution of faculty/student representation, equal distribution will be attained by reducing either the number of students or faculty, as necessary.
  • Procedure – The order of steps to be taken by a student having a complaint against a faculty member shall be as follows (If either party is not satisfied with the decision at any step, appeal may be made to the next step):
    • Discussion with the faculty member.
    • Discussion with the course leader.
    • Discussion with the Chair of the Department of Nursing.
    • Appeal to the Department Complaint Committee.
    • Appeal to the Dean of the School.
    • Appeal to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
    • Appeal to the President of the College.

The complaint and the proposed solution from Step 1 onward shall be provided in writing to all parties involved, to the Department Chairperson, and to the next group or person to whom the appeal is advanced. Minutes shall be kept at each step and signed by all present. Hearings at each step shall be held within seven working days after the request is made. In steps 2 through 7, both parties to the complaint shall have the right to be present, to present testimony, and to respond to testimony by the other party.

NOTE: In the interest of fairness to all concerned, it is recommended that complaints not be made public, and that legal actions not be taken, until all steps and procedures have been utilized.

TCNJ's Department of Nursing is not accepting transfers into our four year traditional bachelor’s of science in nursing program at this time. We are accepting applications for the ABSN program for May 2025.Learn More